Saturday, February 23, 2013

Family meal

A little cultural melting pot... Polish beef-pork-rice cabbage rolls (aka galumpki or halupki or golabki or however you want to spell it, really) and Colonel Stoughton's delicious crispy fried chicken!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

You cant teach a new Mule a new trick

The new Mule has the same problems as the old Mule and goes back to Muleland

Marucs' truck is in the shop so all hauling duties are being done  using the trunk of Brian's car - There's not much room due to the logs and empties.Daily trash duties now take 8 trips in the "Jersey Turnpike" , 4 smokes and 3 coffees.Stay tuned for updates on the Mule situation .

Monday, February 18, 2013


A beautiful cake by miss Rachel from the bakery. Note the majestic icing mountains adorning the sides. There were sugar skis, but the guests ate them!

Need a place to put something ? Try Ari's office

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Snow Is Coming!!!  Also, the Sacred Basement Meeting Room is Dry...

Friday, February 1, 2013